Language Learning Tip #27

One of the best general language learning sites on the internet is done by Steve Kaufman.

He also has a YouTube channel with lots of helpful advice.

When it comes to videos and sites that claim to help you learn a foreign language, there is a lot of junk and hype out there. The strength of Kaufman’s approach is that it is informed by linguistic study as well as practical experience. So many other web sites are done by language enthusiasts, but their views are often not backed up with a knowledge of Applied Linguistics. I (Tim Peverill – Curriculum Director at GAP) have watched and read enough of Steve Kaufman to heartily recommend his advice on language learning.

Here’s an example of sound advice on active and passive vocabulary from his video channel.

And a good video about corrections.

Finally, for additional language learning videos, please visit the Gulf Arabic Programme channel!

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